

Word Order - は particle

By Kasper on 11/22/2024

English = SVO The Cat | will eat | the mouse

Japanese = SOV 猫 | は | ねずみ | を |たべます

this is however not entirely acurate as the following are also compleately valid

SOV:  猫はねずみを食べます

OV: ねずみを食べます

V,O: 食べます、ねすみを

V: 食べます

example convo:

A. 今日は何をしますか?

B. 寝る

A. え、それだけですか?

B. うーん、食べる

A. そして?

B. 見る!あの映画を!

は is not the subject marker. が is the subject marker. は marks the main TOPIC of the sentence

example sentences:


Busy today?

the topic is today


how about some food?

the topic is food